This week is going to be a crazy, spooky, and fun week. It's HALLOWEEN cultural experience week! Be prepare, be aware!
Week 9 - 10/27 ~ 10/31
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Day off
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1.預習Preview Reading Street Story: Page 124~131 兩遍 2 times
2.複習及聆聽第九週會話與單字Review Week 9 Conversation and Vocabulary list 兩遍 2 times
3.第九週單字造句Week 9 Sentence Making: #1~6 (jam, ran, win, he, is, three). 4.讀寫第九週單字#7~18兩遍 Read and write Weekly 9 Vocabulary 2 times. 5.想一想、畫一畫Think and Draw: Sports Day Picture Journal運動會日誌。
A Reminder: 提醒事項
Hello parents,
Please help your child to prepare a plastic container for tomorrow's Slime project, kids have been told that NO CONTAINER, NO SLIME. Also, please have your child wear the Halloween costume directly to school tomorrow and on Friday. Please bring a set of clothes of your choice; but on Friday, bring the Winter Sportswear. And BRING A small size TRICK OR TREATING BAG.
請還未幫孩子準備一塑膠保鮮盒的爸媽務必提醒孩子一定要帶,因為沒有盒子就不能做此實驗喔! 關於萬聖節的服裝,請讓孩子於周三及週五直接穿著萬聖節衣服到校並於周三帶一套可更換得便服;週五則請提醒孩子帶一套運動服以利更換。另外,請幫孩子準備一個小型"不給糖,就搗蛋"的提袋。
Ms. Rowena
* Please check out our new photos today from our Facebook: | |
1. 明天考第九週聽寫 Week 9 Spelling Test # 1, 2,3,6,7,8,10,11,12,18
2. 萬聖節體驗課程日誌Experience Class : Halloween Activity Picture Journal.
* Please check out our Class 103 Experience Class photos today from our Facebook: | |
1. 形容詞句子翻譯練習 Adjectives Chinese to English sentence practice:
例: 這是一隻灰色的筆。It is a gray pen.
1) 這是一顆紅色的蘋果。 2) 這是一 隻白色的狗。 3) 這是一顆橘色的橘子。 4) 這是一 本藍色的書。 5) 這是一 隻綠色的烏龜。 6) 這是一 根黃色的香蕉 。 7) 這是一 隻咖啡色的熊。 8) 這是一 部紫色的公車。 9) 這是一 隻棕褐色的計程車。 10) 這是一 個黑色的袋子。
2. 課文內容複習填充題Around the School Fill in the Blanks practice p124~131
*I've given kids a new copy of Writing Book, please cover it with a plastic cover. 今日發一本新的寫作本,請家長協助包書套。
**Though we only have one period of English Class, kids are free to wear a light costume by simply putting on a cool mask or a cute hair ring. Please bring a set of clothing: summer sport shirt and winter sport pants and winter sport jacket. 雖然明天只有一節英文課,但孩子仍可以稍稍打扮。例如,戴面具或皇冠之類象徵性的飾品。 ***最後,在此非常謝謝家長們提供的萬聖節糖果。Thank you all for contributing bags of candy for the Halloween activities! | |
| *I instructed kids to spell and sound out the word as they search for each word so that kids could build not only spelling skill but also basic logic skill. It's a good way to review phonics. 請讓孩子運用在課堂上所學的自然發音法d-o-g邊拼音邊尋字。 2.每週閱讀日誌Weekly Reading Journal
3.複習Review Reading Street:Week 1~5 課本第一週~第五週的內容,三遍 3 times.
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