Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 7: Daily Homework and Things Happening around Class 103

Dear Class 103 parents, 
Starting from week 7, we will be focusing mainly on Reading Street materials. Please keep Picture Dictionary book at home for daily practices.  Most kids show improvement in their handwriting skills and only about 5 kids require further training; and I will be using red pen to mark it in order for these kids to PAY ATTENTION to their handwriting.
Week 7 - 10/13 ~ 10/17
1. 讀寫第七週口語應用單字兩次Read and write Week 7 weekly Recognition words #7~18, x2 times (did, fill, have, that, Dot, got, shiny, purple, pink, orange, striped, spotted).

      2. 造句Week 7 Sentence Making:第七週應用字詞 Production words #1~6 (dad, sad, blue, they, top, red)

3. 背誦第七週會話Recite week7 conversation 兩遍 x2 times 

4. 複習 Review RS p84,85,87,92,99,94 三遍 x3 times

5. 讀Read RS "I Can Read!" P95 兩遍 x2 times 

* Halloween is coming!  Please find time to get or make a nice costume for your child/children.  Kids will wear their costumes all day and we plan to have kids do trick or treating on campus.  Please choose costume that is comfortable but creative so that he/she could dress it for a day.  Also, I plan to have some light cooking classes for our Experience Classes .  Do let me know the food your child are NOT OKAY to eat; I'll ask parents to share the cost of food and items as well.  萬聖節即將到來,請家長幫孩子挑選或製作一件可穿著一整天舒適但富有創意及獨特性的萬聖節衣服。我們目前只安排在校園內舉行"不給糖,就搗蛋"的活動。另外,我也會在體驗課程中加入"小廚師"的點心製作活動,麻煩家長告知我孩子忌吃哪一些食物。我屆時也會請爸爸媽媽協助分擔在食材上及材料上的費用喔。

1.   唸熟 Recite: Reading Street p98~105  x3 times 三遍

2.  讀寫單字次 Read and write: Weekly vocabulary #1~6  x4 四遍
Ex. Please write neatly as the picture
例: 請將單字整齊的分成四等份來完成

3.  完成 Complete: The Big Top worksheet 學習單  
* Read the story The Big Top to complete the first part 
閱讀 The Big Top 故事來完成第一項作業

* Book list today 今日作業:

1. 背本週會話Recite English Conversations x2
學習單Worksheet: RS "The Big Top" 
預習Preview Reading Street Story: p110~121 x3

I had 7 classes with the kids today...  真的......累了......We had fun today, actually, and lots of pictures were taken as well.  Please check the facebook later for it takes time to up load them...  


1. 讀寫以下第七週單字造句三次 
Read and write the following Week 7 vocabularies and sentences 3 times.  
1) Dad jumps.  
2) A blue bus. 
3) That purple pin.
4) A pink bag.
5) That shiny car.
6) An orange fish.
7) They are shiny.
8) They have red bags.
9) Dad is sad.
10) Jump on the top.

2. 明日考以上第七週單字造句 Review Week 7 vocabularies and sentences as stated above.

* Please find time to check out our Class 103 Experience Class photos today from our Facebook:
1.完成學習單Complete Worksheet: RS "The Big Top" 
2.唸熟 Recite: RS The Big Top 兩遍  x2
3.完成讀書心得 (含圖) Reading Journal
4.錄音 Recording: 英文繞口令 

Betty Botter's Better Batter

Betty Botter had some butter,
"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.
If I bake this bitter butter,
It would make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter,
That would make my batter better."
So she bought a bit of butter –
Better than her bitter butter –
And she baked it in her batter;
And the batter was not bitter.
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.
* Check the following youtube clip to practice the tongue twister. 請用以上的影音檔練習此作業。